Distinct Offerings
What we are currently roasting
Poiema Roast
Light to Medium
(Light/City to City +)
For the roasts that fall under this category, we will start by choosing a less dense bean usually grown at a higher elevation (>1200M). This typically results in a much lighter and fruitier cup of coffee. In this roast, you can expect distinct notes of citrus, floral, or even subtle caramel or chocolate. Makes for a great pour-over.
Current Poiema
Roast coming soon...
Currently sold out! We've got future plans to restock a great, well-rounded light roast! But we do no currently offer one.
Kairos Roast
Medium to Dark
(Full City to Full City +)
For a majority of kairos roasts, we will start with a more dense bean grown at lower altitudes (<1200M). Typically, one can expect a lower acidy and sweeter cup of brew, with some cocoa or even nutty flavor notes. A lot of these cups will make a nice espresso or espresso-based milk drink. These will boast the most balanced flavor.
Current Kairos
Roast coming soon...
Currently sold out! We've got future plans to restock a great, well-rounded light roast! But we do no currently offer one.
Kosmos Roast
Dark (Espresso Roast)
(Full City + to Dark)
This offering is specifically used for our espresso-based drinks. This bean is developed a little longer in the roasting process in order to allow the sugars and oils to work their way to the surface of the bean. What is left is a nice robust coffee bean that can be ground to make a rich and smooth base for any espresso drink.
Current Kosmos
Santa Rosa de Copan
This bean hails from the Santa Rosa region of Honduras, on a small family farm that campions organically grown coffee. It is a fully washed process packing some really great flavors. This roast seeks to preserve the natural chocolate and raisin notes, while at the same time bring enough depth to draw out caramel finish. Perfect for drip coffee and espresso-based drinks.
Why Poiema?
Why Kairos?
Why Kosmos?
Poiema (po-eh-mah) is actually a Greek word that encompasses a variety of meanings. Quite literally poiema means "that which has been made". Beyond that, we get translated words like, "craftsmanship", and "workmanship" Most notably the word carries with it the idea of something being made with care, beauty, with intentional purpose, and utmost consideration. This word is used most famously in the Bible when speaking of God's purposes for His creation. A poiema is a masterpiece that exists when something is made to serve the perfect purpose for which it was created. We love this concept so much, that we wanted our lighter roasts to reflect this type of beauty and delight with every sip.
Kairos (kye-ross) is yet another Greek word that is used to express time. In Greek, there are a couple of different words that are used to express time, but we love kairos because of the implication that it carries. It's not simply time as a way we measure the passing of moments in our lives, but speaking of time as a particularly favorable moment or appropriate occasion for action. The key element that makes kairos unique is that it means to say, "Right now is a good time!" Kairos can be used in the context of a decision, or residing in a particular course of action. We desire to make a roast that we can respond to in this way. Every moment is a good time for a cup of coffee with friends.
Kosmos (kos'-mos) is another Greek word (see a theme here?) that has a couple of different usages. Most distinctly it is a term that refers to the created order of all things. More than simply the arbitrary workings of the natural world, Kosmos speaks to the intentionality behind the order found in the world. Literally, "something ordered", but it is more proper order within a system than allows us to recognize this intentionality. There is beauty in intentionality of this sort. This concept is to round out our three roast-theme names in order to highlight the intentionality put behind our espresso drinks to show order in design. With this proper ordering, each sip will be as well-balanced and smooth as the last.
Our Story
We are the Nance family, and we think coffee is neat...
My wife and I have been married since 2008 and for a number of years, we've wanted to have some sort of venture together. However, we have been on quite a journey otherwise. I (Zac) spent many years in corporate America, and my wife (Allison) had a number of jobs in the hospitality space, including opening and managing a wedding planning business.
In 2016-2017 we began to sense a distinct nudge toward living and serving in Japan as missionaries. This was a wild adventure in-and-of itself, but we ended up being able to work in a local café in Sapporo, Japan. I was given the freedom to develop the coffee side of the café. Roasting in-house, putting together a drink menu, and brewing some delicious drinks for our customers were just a few of my main duties. Along with that, my wife worked on developing a number of baked items and in-house snacks that could be enjoyed with a cup of coffee.
One thing that struck us every single day when we walked into the café was a deeper purpose: more than simply making and serving a product, we got to invest in the community.
We returned to Texas in 2022 and had a desire to start something similar here in Richmond, for the local community we know and love.
We have dreams of someday seeing Victory Point become an actual café, with chairs and all! But until then we are here to love people and to serve good coffee, and we are grateful for this opportunity.